In INSPEKT, s.r.o., we specialize in conducting non-destructive, destructive, and chemical tests.
We focus on metals, primarily on materials based on iron (raw iron, cast iron, steel, welded metal, filler material...), whether as raw material, castings, semi-finished products, or welds.
Our testing laboratory consists of 4 specialized departments:
- Chemical Laboratory Department
- Mechanical Testing Department (mechanical testing laboratory, and sample preparation workshop)
- Metallography Department
- Defectoscopy Department
We were established in 1992 as a subsidiary of Slovenské energetické strojárne, a.s. (SES a.s.), a company with over 70 years of history. However, our experience in conducting tests and calibrations dates back before the establishment, when our departments were still part of SES a.s. Since December 2022, we have been part of viridiusLAB, AG., an international network of testing laboratories in 5 countries in Central Europe.